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» citation mimouni, Lettre au président algérien : Ils ont vécu et morts dans la frustration, alors que le Maroc continuait à s’étendre et à se développer
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» citation Mimouni, رسالة الي الرئيس الجزائري: : عاشوا وماتوا في الإحباط وبقي المغرب يتمدد ويتحضر
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2 résultats trouvés pour elmimouni
Tags, les marqueurs du contenu du forum
Admin a écrit:Site tagging
#exaspération linguistique
#ingénierie culturelle
#الهندسة الثقافية
#cultural engineering
#ras le bol societal
#fed up with humans
#the memory colapse
#انهيار الذاكرة
#تسعيرة بشر
#human princing
#elmimouni abdelmalek
#الميموني عبدالمالك
The social tagging can be translated as “social marking”. This process refers to the tags that Internet users place to make interesting or similar content accessible. Unlike indexing and tagging by content creators, social tags therefore refer to community indexing. In the context of social tagging, we find the generic term “folksonomy” to designate the entry of these keywords. This can be represented, among other things, in the form of a tag cloud. Instagram, Flickr and Pinterest are well-known examples of social tagging: these platforms allow their users to classify images by themes and categories using tags. Creating bookmarks or hashtags also falls under this domain. It should be mentioned that social tagging does not follow precise indexing rules, which is why all users can participate in the categorization and accessibility of content.
Unlike indexing and social tagging, hashtags do not allow a direct link to a theme or content between websites. Hashtags are certainly also used for thematic structuring, but this is not local tagging, specific to a website, but rather cross-site tagging. Hashtags are therefore mainly used on social networks, for example for social media marketing, hashtag marketing or for social network management tools. Individuals, businesses or online stores can create their own hashtags and thus achieve greater reach, target groups or promote campaigns.
- le Mer 3 Avr - 1:47
- Rechercher dans: Site tagging
- Sujet: Tags, les marqueurs du contenu du forum
- Réponses: 1
- Vues: 433
Tags, les marqueurs du contenu du forum
Site tagging#exaspération linguistique
#ingénierie culturelle
#الهندسة الثقافية
#cultural engineering
#ras le bol societal
#fed up with humans
#the memory colapse
#انهيار الذاكرة
#تسعيرة بشر
#human princing
#elmimouni abdelmalek
#الميموني عبدالمالك
The social tagging can be translated as “social marking”. This process refers to the tags that Internet users place to make interesting or similar content accessible. Unlike indexing and tagging by content creators, social tags therefore refer to community indexing. In the context of social tagging, we find the generic term “folksonomy” to designate the entry of these keywords. This can be represented, among other things, in the form of a tag cloud. Instagram, Flickr and Pinterest are well-known examples of social tagging: these platforms allow their users to classify images by themes and categories using tags. Creating bookmarks or hashtags also falls under this domain. It should be mentioned that social tagging does not follow precise indexing rules, which is why all users can participate in the categorization and accessibility of content.
- le Mer 3 Avr - 1:42
- Rechercher dans: Site tagging
- Sujet: Tags, les marqueurs du contenu du forum
- Réponses: 1
- Vues: 433